Valuation model for investment properties
Comparables and Benchmarks
Various valuation parameters can be derived by a guided process or verified with market-driven benchmarks.
- Hedonic market rent models
- Empirical real estate vacancies
- Running costs
- Condition
- Standard
- Micro-location
- Discounting
- And many more...
Discounting model
If required, you can refer to specific model suggestions for discounting. FPRE’s discounting model takes all usage groups into account. To create additional transparency, the respective discount rate can be derived using a surcharge model.

Valuation report
Thanks to the dynamic page selection, detailed reports or reports limited to overview pages can be generated as required. Everything at the push of a button and enriched with comprehensive market data. All reports can be tailored to your CI specifications.

DCF module for
Industrialize your valuation process and create high quality and customized reports.
Institutional investors
Monitor the market value development of your portfolio and determine the market value of acquisition objects.
Valuate investment properties with a standardised process. IMBAS supports you with reliable model suggestions.
Calculate the market value of development projects and use the automatically generated sensitivity analysis to evaluate scenarios.