Portfolio analysis

This IMBAS module allows the compiling of portfolios and assignment of IMBAS objects to one or more portfolios.

Analysis of portfolios

Analyze your real estate portfolio and export comprehensive portfolio analyses enriched with market data.

  • Location-ratings
  • Object Ratings
  • Aggregated cash flows
  • Regional valuations
  • Automatic market data
  • Export to Excel

Common applications

The portfolio analysis is suitable for various fields of application. In addition to investment properties, you can also assign properties from the project development and valuation, condominium, or single-family home modules to different portfolios.

  • Investment strategy
  • Owner consulting
  • Cash flow forecast
  • Risk analysis
  • Scenario analysis
  • Investment planning

Portfolio analysis for

Institutional investors

Verify your investment strategy and analyze your investment portfolios. Export key figures and market data to Excel.

Real estate owners

Keep an overview of your real estate portfolio and analyze strategic opportunities and risks.


Combine segments of your mortgage portfolio and analyze the export enriched with a variety of market data.


The portfolio analysis allows you to take a consolidated view of a large number of valuations.

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Test the portfolio analysis?

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