FPRE for governmental authorities

We support you with scientific studies in regional and real estate economic questions. Use IMBAS for small-scale and regional monitoring.

Data-based and independent expertise

FPRE’s studies, tools and market data help you with regional and real estate economic projects and questions.

  • Real estate market observation
  • Economic assistance for urban development and planning projects
  • Advice on value-added compensation
  • GIS analyses
  • Independent expert opinions

Recommended for governmental authorities

Value-added calculations

We prepare value-added assessments for complex properties and assist you in answering questions about the appreciation tax.

Competitions and test planning

For test planning and competitions, we advise you within project teams or juries on economic and socio-demographic issues.

Statistical studies

We develop tailor-made models and write scientific studies.


Optimize your administrative processes with current market data and monitor your opportunities as well as risks.

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How can we support you?

Get in touch with us. We will be pleased to inform you personally about our services and products.